Emergency Information

In Case of an Emergency:

Stay Calm: Ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. Avoid putting yourself or others in further danger.

Contact the Event Medics:
Name: Hannah / Morgan / Rose / Jasper
Phone Number: 07985702795 / 07763698530

Call Emergency Services:
If immediate medical or emergency assistance is required, dial 999.
Provide the following details:
Your name and role (participant, staff, etc.).
The nature of the emergency.
Exact location: Consall Scout Campsite, near Stoke-on-Trent.
Any relevant information about the injured person(s).

Administer First Aid:
If trained, provide first aid to the best of your ability until professional help arrives.
Ensure someone stays with the injured person(s) at all times.

If you experience any issues in the booking process, please contact webmaster@ssago.org.